What happens at the Lab?
Prior to the Lab, participants, faculty, and the creative team gather virtually to kick-off new collaborations, gain insights about the upcoming immersion, and explore the process - and site-specificity - of the Lab commissions.
Selected composers are asked to develop a composition specifically for one of the Lab ensembles. It is encouraged that the works of 7-10 minutes in length take inspiration from Yerkes and the universe. Prior to the Lab, composers have the opportunity to meet with the performers, their Lab coach, and a Lab composition faculty member for feedback and support and, during the Lab composers will have the opportunity to sit in on rehearsals, coach with faculty, and offer peer-to-peer feedback.
Performance and Presentations
In addition to a final concert, featuring the commissions, the Lab offers several other performance opportunities, including:
An opening concert at Tiny Tempest Farms, an agricultural and creative Hub in Lake Geneva, featuring Eighth Blackbird
A presentation at the Black Point Estate and Gardens featuring insights from Lab composers on their artistic process and chamber works featuring both Lab performances and faculty
Several composition faculty performance-lectures
Salon performances designed for informal performances or works-in-progress and socializing.
Through the Lab, artists will receive practical and creative workshops, led by faculty and guest artists. Sessions on visioning and the artists’ life will be paired with hands-on workshops of strategic visioning and discussions on grant writing, legal contracts, and community engagement. Additionally, artists have the opportunity to work with Yerkes faculty and staff, and engage in site-specific research, including historical tours, telescope viewings of the cosmos, panels on the astronomers' life, and glass plate workshops.
All Lab artists will have the opportunity to coach with faculty members in various capacities, including one-on-ones, group seminars or masterclasses, and informal conversations. Further, performers will collaborate with members of Eighth Blackbird in a player-as-coach model as they rehearse and perform an additional chamber work.
Lab Project
Each year, the Lab artists participate in a cohort-wide collaboration, developing a new work deeply impacted by the site of Yerkes.